TVP – Tax Verification Provider
The Fastest Path to Consumer Tax Return Verification/4506-C Reports
Tax Verification Provider (TVP) is an all-in-one technology system that automates your processes, reduces paperwork, and delivers better control of your 4506-C work. The system receives and processes orders, assists in submitting transcripts, scrapes the IRS site, and returns completed files to your client. You can electronically annotate the 4506-C requests your clients send, as well as get e-signatures from borrowers. You can customize billing, send batches of orders all at once, quickly correct and assign “stuck” IRS orders, and lots more.
TVP is a lightweight executable file that installs on your local computer and then communicates with the SharperLending platform and the IRS 4506-C website. Once installed, you can work with the 4500 PDF files to electronically annotate them, and then approve files to send to the IRS. You can send up files in approved batches to fax, or you can pick and choose which files to fax. TVP notifies you when the files have returned, and automatically sends them back to the SharperLending platform.
TVP offers a fast and easy way for you to get 4506-C requests, and an automated “scraper” that takes completed transcripts from your mailbox on the IRS site and passes them back to Precision Data via the TVP site.